Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Xanga... old school.

Today has been rough. I had/have two huge tests and a paper due. My first test was bright and early (2pm)- for the Psychology class. My teacher looks, acts, talks like Jack Black. It’s a great class. However, there is SO much information. I talkin’ 60 slide PowerPoints for each chapter. Needless to say, the test was over 3 chapters and I was STRESSED out. But I got through it, in a blur, and we’ll just see what happens. Then it was off to the English class to turn in a (very) rough draft paper on “Literacy”… I know what you’re thinking, how do you write about writing? My thoughts exactly. But we ended up peer reviewing someone else’s paper for an hour and a half; kill me. So now I’m getting a few minutes of down time before my final test in Human Development. What I was thinking taking PY and HD in one semester, I’ll never know. A poor choice.

Ya know, writing in this thing reminds me of the good ‘ol days with Xanga. Now maybe you are too old or young to remember Xanga… so let me fill you in. Xanga was the ORIGINAL blog. In middle school and high school I did WORK on Xanga. I had thousands of friends, and I’d get 15 comments on every entry. Man, I was cool. And Xanga was the best because you could add picture & those awesome little ‘icons’. I mean, if you don’t know what an icon is… you are missing out. There were millions of those things- glittery, flashing, words and pictures. There were funny ones, sweet ones, inappropriate ones. And you would find ANY excuse to throw like 50 of them into one posting. Those were the days!

I found my Xanga not that long ago. I think I stopped using it in 10th grade. So naturally, I began to read back over all my postings. I was borderline embarrassed; I was SO shallow, naïve, cocky. I would go on and on about my friends and my weekends and my stuff. Yeah, I was that girl. Straight out of “Mean Girls”- talking about how wonderful my life was, and how I loved my friends, and whoever my boyfriend of the week was. HA! What a joke. Isn’t it great how we grow up, mature, change. Thank God for all of those things. I don’t think I would have friends to this day if I acted in that way. But on the other hand, I know plenty of girls who think they are above the rest of the world. Who only care for themselves and not for the ‘little people’ they step on every day. Being in a sorority, I see it constantly, this sense of entitlement. This “Ew, is she seriously wearing that? Oh my gosh! She must be kidding!” Yeah, so we all judge others on sight… its human nature to some degree. But these days it’s taken to a much higher level. I suppose I’m merely pointing out that some people need to GROW UP. The world does not revolve around you, you are not the creator of all cute fashions and trends, and just cause you got money from your daddy-don’t make you special. [“How do you really feel?”] That’s how I really feel :)

Here are some images I found on my Xanga:

So anyway, I'm off to my Human Developement test. Wish me luck!
I love you all!

Y, Ellen


  1. Holy crap, you're using the dark blue and dots too?

    That's scary, since it's what I went with, without even knowing anyone I knew had a blog...

    But I know what you mean about how much we change over a period of a few years. I look back at pictures (however few there are) of me from middle school (yearbook) and 2006/2007 (my sister keeps almost every picture she's taken) and I'm like "Whoa, I almost don't recognize myself" since I've changed so little, yet so much...it's, in a way, scary.

    - Travis

  2. the old school pics are great... we need to find some more! ; )
    you have grown up a lot and in your thinking too and that's so cool to see what God is doing in and thru you.
